Monday, May 26, 2008

"Mr. Pibb + Red Vines = Crazy Delicious!"

Hello those in Blogger land. ........ wow that was the cheesiest opening I've ever done.

Ok so crazy week, but so good. The biggest blessing I feel is that the Lord has blessed our little cell phone store and we have been blessed with much business.

This week was the American Idol Finale, and usually I'm not into american Idol, but this year I just caught on I guess. I picked David Cook to win but I was rooting for David Archuleta to win. After Tuesday's show it looked like Archuleta had it in the bag, but to everyone's suprise Cook pulled the victory. And yes I know Archuleta will get offered record deals but, it still would have been cool if he won. But like I said before, "The Jazz and David Archuleta: 2 Things from Utah that got screwed." But they're both talented.

The weather in Cedar has been crazy. Rain, coldness, and awkward periods of warmth.

Oh last Saturday my friends and I went and played with Diet Coke and Mentos. It was my first time doing it and I thought it was awesome! Plans are brewing for a D.C. and Mentos fight coming this summer: 2 Teams, 50 Bottles each, 1 extremely sticky day. :)

I'm making some new friends, but I still miss so many. One Especially, you know who you are.... (crumbs) :)

Next week also marks my 23rd birthday, Oy that getting old.

So until later Blogger world...... ugh, still cheesy.